When is drinking risky?

The more you drink, the slower you react to changes around you and the greater the impairment of your judgment. Your physical skills and judgment are especially important in situations that may be “risky,” where your decisions are important to protect your health and well-being as well as the safety of those around you.

Here are some examples of particularly risky situations for drinking alcohol:

  • Driving
  • Child care
  • Operation of tools and machinery
  • Sports
  • Boating and other water sports
  • Hunting or any other activity where weapons may be involved
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Taking medication

Read more on responsibledrinking.org

Binge drinking

While definitions vary, binge drinking is loosely defined as consuming a large amount of alcohol over a short period of time, resulting in serious intoxication.

Binge drinking can have severe short-term effects on the individual and to the people around them, including damage to health, accidents, brain dysfunction, unwanted sex, and even death.

Binge drinking is never a good decision!

Drink or drive

Do not drive or engage in any risky activity if you feel that you have had too much to drink.

A doubt ? Do not hesitate to make use of an Ethylotest.

If you plan to drink, plan your transportation ahead of time. You may want to consider not driving on the way so that you don’t have to make the decision when it is time to return home later. Use public transport, a taxi, a shared ride, or designate a sober driver in advance.

Most countries have established legal limits for drinking and driving, and many set limits for other activities, such as boating. You will certainly face serious penalties and other legal consequences if you are stopped and found to be above the legal limit.

Don’t drink if you are underage!

Most countries have established a minimum legal age for purchasing or consuming alcohol beverages, or both. Underage purchase and consumption is illegal and may be damaging to a person’s physical and mental development.

Read more on responsibledrinking.org

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

Drinking during pregnancy increases the risk of a child being born with some degree of physical, mental, and behavioral problems, a range of conditions called Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). Heavy and prolonged drinking is associated with the most severe disorder in this range, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS). Drinking heavily while pregnant is also associated with increased risk of miscarriage.

Women choosing to breastfeed their babies should pay close attention to their alcohol consumption. If you drink just before or while breastfeeding, you will pass the alcohol along to your baby.

Avoiding alcohol completely during pregnancy is always the safest choice!

Read more on responsibledrinking.org

Alcohol problems can run in families

Having a relative who has alcohol problems does not mean you will have the same problems, but it may increase your chances of developing them.

If you think you are having issues with your drinking or if your health may be at immediate risk, seek medical attention right away.

Read more on responsibledrinking.org