Freezing Tip

A tip to ensure your sugar frosting works every time: add an egg white or syrup to colour your sugar so that it sticks better.

Decorating Tip

Spring has just started to peep around the corner. So why not decorate your cocktails with some beautiful flowers?

Decorating Tip

Liven up a glass of Champagne by adding some fruit!

Decorating Tip

Decorate your cappuccinos by sprinkling cocoa powder using a stencil!

Cocktail Tip

Do you like coconut cocktails? Choose coconut milk for a lighter cocktail and coconut cream for a thicker taste!

Cocktail Tip

Keep your cocktail cool by putting pieces of fruit in ice cubes! What fruit are you going to use?

Cocktail Tip

Have you always dreamed of being able to make layered cocktails? It's easy! The tip to remember: start with the sugar and finish with the alcohol!

Cocktail Tip

Adding egg white to your cocktails binds your ingredients together at the same time as giving you a thick mousse!

Cocktail Tip

Cucumber is the latest must-have in your cocktails: refreshing and with very few calories, you'll love it!

Cocktail Tip

Surprise your friends by adding peppers to your gin-based, vodka or tequila cocktails. It's sure to impress!

Cocktail Tip

A shaker is an essential piece of equipment for barmen. It chills the beverage and makes it easy to emulsify the ingredients. Do you use one at home?

Decorating Tip

A tip to impress your friends? Make your own rose petal ice cubes! Mix 10 cl of rose syrup and 1 l of water. Pour it into an ice cube tray. Add 1 petal to each compartment in the tray. Freeze for 6 hours.